Rockin' the Cause Scott Urban Memorial Scholarships
Congratulations to
Anna Noga and Francesa Korbitz
"Rockin' the Cause" was honored to award two $2,500 scholarships to Anna Noga of Romeoville and Francesca Korbitz of Woodridge. The 1st annual Rockin' the Cause Scott Urban Memorial Scholarship celebration took place at Shanahan's Food and Spirits in Woodridge Illinois where Rockin' the Cause first started their philanthropic Journey 6 years ago in 2016 to raise money for the flood victims of Louisiana. The Scott Urban Memorial Scholarship fund was the inspiration of its namesake Scott Urban who was a Lyricist, playwright and actor. Mostly he considered himself an entertainer who past of COVID19 in 2021. Scott believed that there was nothing like live music performed by musicians who knew their craft. The fundraising event came to life at Shanahan's Food and Spirits in Woodridge with the help of Rich Moore, the owner who was also one of Scotts many good friends. Money was raised at an event honoring Scott and dedicated to this cause by his surviving widow Karen Morby Urban.
The scholarships are ear-marked for graduating high school seniors that reside in the Woodridge, Bolingbrook or Romeoville area who wish to pursue their musical journey moving forward into their college years. Each applicant needed to submit a recommendation letter, a video performance and a little video blurb on what the scholarship meant to them. We at "Rockin' the Cause" were very honored to take part and facilitate this scholarship celebration!
Congratulations to Anna Noga of Romeoville and Francesca Korbitz of Woodridge! We wish you all the luck in the world as you move forward to inspire people with your wonderful talent!